Upskilling Professionals for a Changing World of Work

Develop the 21st Century skills you need to thrive with our online courses and micro-modules

5+ Experts
5 Courses
64+ Modules

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Choose to take one of our pre-set courses or create a personalized course with all the topics that interest you



Building a culturally competent environment for healthcare professionals and an enhanced patient or resident experience

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Upskill Staff and Team Members

Digital Depth

Keep your finger on the pulse of how technology, innovations, and disruptions are impacting business.

Business Acumen

Make informed decisions by knowing the ins and outs of your business, and gaining an outside-in perspective of other businesses.

Interpersonal Skills

Connect with others through communications, behavioral interactions, and emotional intelligence.

Social Impact

Take deliberate action to make meaningful reforms to social challenges.

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Earn Your Certificate

Certification is a great way to show off your skills and increase the visibility of what you know. It also helps improve earning power, academic performance or just about any other aspect that needs validation.

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Featured modules

Set the Pace for Your Learning Experience

Our micro-modules will help you retain, contextualize and apply the course materials better


Ubiquitous Preferred Services

Ubiquitous Preferred Services Inc. (UPSI) is a People Development company committed to providing our clients with superior service and support. We provide assessments, primary research, continuing education, training, facilitated workshops, and coaching to further the development of professionals to improve organizational performance by developing customized solutions aimed at helping organizations achieve their desired results. In addition, UPSI’s Digital Professional Framework focuses on four domains to upskill staff and team members: digital depth, business acumen, interpersonal skills, and social impact.

Ubiquitous Preferred Services Inc. is a team of former practitioners who have taken their expertise and created programs to help learners find success in the workplace. We believe that theory should be made real-life by our experience, so we bring practicality to all that we do. Our trainers engage with their learners and know how to apply their lessons to impact careers in a positive way!

Contact Information

Phone: 646-535-3298

DUNS Number: 015022710

CAGE Coder: 8BMC3

NY/HJ NMSDC: NY17029 (100% MBE)

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Stay relevant with new knowledge, skills, and capabilities

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